2 min readDec 10, 2023


Why you Should Choose a Career Path in Data Analysis.

What are they indices you take into consideration before starting a business?

Do you conduct a thorough market research or you base your actions on assumptions only?
Did you realize that you would have made a more proactive decision that will drive the most profitability if you had raw data.
Data Analysis is indispensable in today’s world. The demand for data analysts can do nothing less than to appreciate exponentially within a short period of time intervals .
The future belongs to those that can predict closely possible events that may occur with respective outcomes.

A grip of a skill of this nature will drive profitability around your life involuntarily.
You will know which service/product to invest more of your time /money in at a particular time.
You will know where, when and how you should set up your new business or company to drive profitability.
My name is Ofonmbuk Ekanem, aka Ofonitech the Analyst, I am proficient with the use of Ms Excel and Power BI, SPSS, SQL and Python for data analysis.

I and my team has started a Bootcamp in Africa where up to 1000 Africans will be onboarded for various tech skill trainings.

Our Mission: To build a united tech community that will inspire innovation and simultaneously drive technological development across Africa.

Our Vision: To have at least 1000 Africans working remotely in the best globally recognize tech industries while we work towards doubling this number at the end of our quadrennial period analysis.

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Process Engineer. Data Analyst. Works with Python, SQL, Excel, Power BI ; Follow and subscribe to get notified of new articles. brinoekanem@gmail.com