4 min readMar 12, 2023


Most Important Cryptocurrency Terms that will get you started with using Blockchain Technology.

  1. Cryptocurrency — a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security and operates independently of a central bank.
BTC with some Altcoin

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency, or cryptocurrency, is an alternative payment method developed utilizing encryption methods. By utilizing encryption technology, cryptocurrencies may act both as a medium of exchange and a virtual accounting system. You need a cryptocurrency wallet in order to utilize cryptocurrencies.

2. Blockchain — a digital ledger of cryptocurrency transactions that is decentralized and publicly accessible.

Blockchain is a distributed ledger that records every transaction on that blockchain. Users of blockchain technology may buy, trade, and invest in digital assets like bitcoins, among other things. A blockchain needs inputs to be verified and encrypted using the sophisticated encryption method known as cryptography, making the entries incredibly challenging to alter or hack.

3. Bitcoin — the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, created in 2009 by an unknown person or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.


Bitcoin employs peer-to-peer technology to function without a central authority or banks; the network as a whole is responsible for handling transactions and producing bitcoins. As Bitcoin is an open-source project, anybody may participate, no one owns or controls it. Due to a number of its special characteristics, Bitcoin enables novel applications that were not possible with earlier payment systems.

4. Altcoin — any cryptocurrency that is not Bitcoin, including Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple and so many others.

Altcoins & BTC

5. Wallet — software or hardware used to store cryptocurrency and manage transactions.

6. Mining — the process of using computer power to validate transactions on a blockchain network and earn cryptocurrency rewards.

7. Hashrate — the speed at which a miner is able to solve a cryptographic problem and add a new block to the blockchain.

8. Proof of Work — a consensus mechanism used by some cryptocurrencies that requires miners to solve a cryptographic problem to validate transactions and add new blocks to the blockchain.

9. Proof of Stake — a consensus mechanism used by some cryptocurrencies that requires users to hold a certain amount of cryptocurrency to validate transactions and add new blocks to the blockchain.

10. Token — a unit of value that represents an asset or utility on a blockchain network.

1I. CO (Initial Coin Offering) — a fundraising method in which a new cryptocurrency project offers tokens for sale to early investors.

12. Smart contract — self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code.

13. Decentralized — a system or network that operates without a central authority or control.

14. Centralized — a system or network that operates under the control of a central authority.

15. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) — a feeling of anxiety or fear that arises when someone believes they might miss out on a potentially profitable opportunity, such as a surge in the value of a cryptocurrency.

More Cryptocurrency Terms

Here are some more definitions of terms related to cryptocurrency:

16. Address — a unique identifier that represents a destination for a cryptocurrency transaction.

17. Public key — a cryptographic key used to receive cryptocurrency in a wallet.

18. Private key — a cryptographic key used to access and send cryptocurrency from a wallet.

19. Cold storage — a method of storing cryptocurrency offline to prevent hacking or theft.

20. Hot wallet — a software-based cryptocurrency wallet connected to the internet.

21. Market capitalization — the total value of a cryptocurrency based on its current price and the number of coins or tokens in circulation.

22. Liquidity — the ease with which a cryptocurrency can be bought or sold in the market.

23. Fiat Currency — government-issued currency that is not backed by a physical commodity, such as the US dollar or the euro.

24. Volatility — the degree of fluctuation in the price of a cryptocurrency.

25. Satoshi — the smallest unit of Bitcoin, equal to 0.00000001 BTC. The assumed pseudonymous individual or individuals that founded bitcoin, wrote the bitcoin white paper, and built and implemented bitcoin’s first reference implementation went by the moniker Satoshi Nakamoto (born 5 April 1975). The first blockchain database was also created by Nakamoto as part of the implementation.

Satoshi Nakamoto

26. Block — a group of cryptocurrency transactions that are validated and added to the blockchain.

27. Node — a computer on a blockchain network that maintains a copy of the blockchain ledger.

28. Hash function — a mathematical function that takes input data and produces a fixed-length output, used in cryptocurrency mining.

29. Fork — a change to the rules of a blockchain network that creates a new version of the blockchain.

30. Whale — an individual or entity that holds a large amount of cryptocurrency, capable of influencing the market through their buying or selling actions.

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Process Engineer. Data Analyst. Works with Python, SQL, Excel, Power BI ; Follow and subscribe to get notified of new articles. brinoekanem@gmail.com